Posted tagged ‘personal space’

My introverted daughter’s personal space

January 24, 2009

My oldest daughter never liked being held.  No, I never rocked her to sleep.  She screamed non-stop in the Baby Bjorn.  I thought it was my fault.  Then I had a second daughter, who was completely the opposite.

Personal space.  It’s been a big issue for my child ever since Day 1.  And it’s hard for me because I want to hug and kiss her all the time.  And she hates it!  A  hug from her is floppy armed, eyes down, “mom” groaning production.  Me forcing her.  So much fun.

“Mom, I hated it when the kids tickled me on the bus,” she told me yesterday.  Then, “I had so much fun playing with my friends today.”  I think that captures her perfectly.  She’s perfectly social, but just doesn’t like to be close.  I have to remember it, keep telling myself that she loves me.   It’s not the demonstrative love.   Personal space.  Don’t touch.  I’m trying, kiddo.